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March 17th > 27th 2025


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This holiday retreat will allow you to immerse yourself in the magical Balinese culture through direct experience

of its main rites and ceremonies. We will use rituals such as Gamelon, traditional Balinese music, Kecac,

the Balinese ceremony of trance dance and sacred dances in a pleasant spiritual atmosphere.

Furthermore, we will make baths of purification, visits to temples, we will come into contact with the vibrant tropical nature, meditating and working on the aspects of the masculine and the feminine, which are present in each of us.
Rituals and meditations that will guide us in this fascinating discovery of ourselves and our emotional aspects.


An attentive and competent staff will assist Apurva.


Body care with massages and sessions of body awareness and breath-work are part of the retreat. A deep regeneration and relaxation, an inner space of unity and peace will be the result of your holiday retreat. Every day much space will be dedicated to the holiday, the sea, the dolphins, the sun and the beach.

Moreover, different excursions will allow us to visit places of particular beauty and will bring us in contact with the Balinese culture. You will feel deeply relaxed, regenerated and open. Meditation will give us a calm inner present space. Furthermore, the beauty of the temples and nature will flood in you quickly.




The island of Bali is part of Indonesia. Indonesia is a vast nation inhabited by nearly 250,000,000 people, thousands of islands, many of which are uninhabited! The capital is Jakarta. The dominant religion is the Muslim one, but on the island of Bali, the population is 95% Hindu. In 1949 Indonesia reached independence from Holland and later in 1956, the island of Bali, renouncing the union with Holland, became part of Indonesia.


Bali locates 8 degrees south of the Equator, and it is a rhomboid-shaped island in which there are different active volcanoes including Mount Agung (3142m.), whose last eruption dates back to 1963. The coast Oriental and the centre of the island are mountainous while to the south the territory is flatter.

The capital of the province of Bali is Denpasar, which is the international airport where we will land visiting from Europe. Two other cities of some importance are present on the island: the old colonial capital, Singaraja, the northern part of the island and Ubud, north of Denpasar. Ubud is the cultural and tourist centre of the island due to the presence of museums, art galleries and markets. Until the 1970s, agriculture was the primary source of the economy.

Today, tourism, coming mostly from Asia and Europe, has made this economic resource the most important. Despite this, the majority of the population remains employed in agriculture which mainly produces rice, cocoa, fruit, coffee, vegetables, tobacco, rubber and spices. Fishing is also an important activity, and then there is craftsmanship, so the island of Bali is known throughout the world: the carving of stones and wood, fabrics, processing of precious metals, especially silver, Batik, who doesn't have one? All of those goods come from Bali.

 In Bali, the main spoken languages are Indonesian and Balinese, along with other European and Asian languages.

English is the European language most known and spoken by the population. There are also different indigenous dialects, diversified due to the traditional division of the community into caste and clan.


The island of Bali is better known as the island of the gods, and it is part of the Indonesian archipelago which is composed of about 13,000 islands. Bali locates between the island of Java and the island of Lombok, easy to reach as one of the most popular and popular tourist destinations in south-east Asia. On the island, there are about 20,000 temples, where life is marked by many ceremonies, which follow the Pawukon calendar, of 210 days, used precisely to schedule religious holidays. There are many arts developed in Bali.


Traditional Balinese music, Gamelan, like popular dances such as Legong, Barong and Kecak. Following the Hindu culture, the Balinese cremate their dead. The experience of the death of a loved one lives differently from us Europeans, and the ceremonies are proof of this. In Bali this is a celebratory occasion that often becomes a famous festival; a procession in the community that involves the population with music, offers of many types, and a joyful atmosphere.


Bali is special! It is the island of the Gods, and there is a magical and spiritual atmosphere, palpable in the air, it is perceived while you live its different aspects and environments. Whether you're sitting by the sea watching the dolphins, whether you are on the volcano or in a temple in the jungle, Bali transmits you its spiritual and relaxed wave involving you also, make you fall in love with this culture and beautiful land. It is a paradise on earth, beautiful beaches, lush tropical forests and mighty volcanoes, in a climate that never drops below 27 ° all year.

The best time for a trip is from April to October, the summer months are the best, as it is the dry season when the rains are rare. Compared to Europe there are 7 hours of difference, the visa is mandatory for Indonesia and then for Bali. No vaccination is compulsory, however, it is advisable to contact the health facilities to get more information on this. On the island, wetlands are rare, but even if unknown there is the danger of malaria, outside of cities and tourist areas.

Ritiro Tao Bali 2010 con Apurva

Ritiro Tao Bali 2010 con Apurva

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Mario (Brasil)

I will never forget the experiences in the retreat.

It was amazing. Thank you all

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